Teacher Training Program

Raising Hands Tutoring partners with community organizations around the country to provide teachers with free training and certification in research based interventions. In return, each teacher provides over 55 hours of reading tutoring to an underserved child who otherwise would not be able to access this valuable service. If you are interested in applying for a teacher scholarship that is being offered through a particular organization, please submit your application below. Be sure to indicate the partnering organization.

“As a reading intervention teacher at Bartle Elementary School, I realize the benefit that additional intensive one-to-one after school tutoring provides to struggling readers. Before Raising Hands Tutoring came to Highland Park, these services were only available to families that could afford the added expense of hiring a tutor. I am proud to work as a tutor for Raising Hands, providing free, high quality reading instruction to students from low-income families in our community. Opening the doors to reading success for a child is life-changing and benefits all of us.”

— May Lewis, M.Ed, Reading Interventionist